SIGS DATACOM Fachinformationen für IT-Professionals

Die Konferenz für Software-Architektur
03. - 07. Februar 2020, München


Vortrag: KeyMi1
Datum: Mi, 05.02.2020
Uhrzeit: 12:00 - 12:45

Volkswagen’s Journey Towards A Software-Driven Company – Challenges, Opportunities And Successes

Uhrzeit: 12:00 - 12:45
Vortrag: KeyMi1


In their keynote, Peter Garzarella and Holger Urban will be talking about Volkswagen's software development journey. They will take a deep dive into the topics "Controlling Complexity" and "Software Development". They aim to answer the questions: What kind of technologies does Volkswagen use? How does Volkswagen do things? And why do they do them the way they do? You will learn more about the history of Software Development at Volkswagen, modern software solutions in factories, future plans, success stories; And of course – Volkswagen’s worldwide Software Development Centers, their different working methods and what they are currently working on.