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  • Maya Shavin
  • Sprecherdetails

    Maya Shavin


    Senior Software-Engineer

    Maya Shavin is Senior Software-Engineer in Microsoft, working extensively with JavaScript and frontend frameworks and based in Israel. She founded and is currently the organizer of the VueJS Israel Meetup Community, helping to create a strong playground for Vue.js lovers and like-minded developers. Maya is also a published author, international speaker and an open-source library maintainer of frontend and web projects. As a core maintainer of StorefrontUI framework for e-commerce, she focuses on delivering performant components and best practices to the community while believing a strong Vanilla JavaScript knowledge is necessary for being a good web developer.

    Vortragsübersicht Konferenzprogramm



    01. Februar 2024 - 09:00-09:45

    Do 3.1-1 - Trends & Techniques



    31. Januar 2024 - 09:00-09:45

    Mi 6.1-1 - Embedding AI into your Products: Practical Applications of Foundation Models
