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  • Eoin Woods
  • Sprecherdetails

    Eoin Woods


    Chief Engineer

    Eoin Woods is the Chief Engineer at Endava (www.endava.com) where he is responsible for delivery capability and innovation. In previous professional lives he has developed databases, security software and way too many systems to move money around. He is interested in software architecture, software security, DevOps and software energy efficiency. He co-authored three books on software architecture and received the 2018 Linda Northrup Award for Software Architecture, from the SEI at CMU.

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    Vortragsübersicht Konferenzprogramm



    01. Februar 2024 - 09:45-10:30

    Do 1.1-2 - Architecture – for Humans?



    31. Januar 2024 - 17:00-18:00

    Mi 2.4 - Software Architecture – Systematically Handling Quality Attributes
