In 2023, we will again be thinking outside the box with our exciting keynotes!
Keynote 08 February: Cloud Adoption Patterns
Lynn Langit
Learn key patterns, practices, tools and techniques which lead to successful cloud adoption. Lynn's work with research teams around genomic-scale data pipelines for human health will be highlighted in this keynote.
Independent Cloud Architect and Developer, Lynn is also the author of 35 cloud courses on Linked In Learning. She publishes GitHub (code) and Substack (articles).
Keynote 09 February: Making sure the new platform is actually an improvement.
Christin Gorman
Since the dawn of software development, programmers have been perpetually occupied with migrating our "legacy" code to "the new platform". As soon as we finish, it is obsolete, and we need to start over. Today we are typically in the midst of moving to the cloud. We need DevOps, microservices, new frontend frameworks... there is always some new tool that promises to deliver much better value than our existing solutions. Millions - even billions - are spent on these initiatives. Are they worth it? For whom?
In this presentation we will go through various strategies and their tradeoffs. How can we work with our code bases, staff and users to maximise the actual value delivered? The answer will depend on many things. Be conscious of what exactly you are aiming to achieve.
Christin Gorman has more than 20 years experience with hands-on software development. She is currently working on a large migration project in the Norwegian healthcare sector. She has worked for both startups and large enterprises, on systems varying from real-time control systems, to e-commerce. What is important in one field is not necessarily important in others. Both in writing and in presentations, she is known for her entertaining way of raising questions about established truths, and making people think about why they are working the way they do. Sometimes controversial, but never boring.
Keynote 09 February: Swarms for People
Sabine Hauert
As tiny robots become individually more sophisticated, and larger robots easier to mass produce, a breakdown of conventional disciplinary silos is enabling swarm engineering to be adopted across scales and applications, from nanomedicine to treat cancer, to cm-sized robots for large-scale environmental monitoring or intralogistics. This convergence of capabilities is facilitating the transfer of lessons learned from one scale to the other.
Larger robots that work in the 1000s may operate in a way similar to reaction-diffusion systems at the nanoscale, while sophisticated microrobots may have individual capabilities that allow them to achieve swarm behaviour reminiscent of larger robots with memory, computation, and communication. Although the physics of these systems are fundamentally different, much of their emergent swarm behaviours can be abstracted to their ability to move and react to their local environment.
This presents an opportunity to build a unified framework for the engineering of swarms across scales that makes use of machine learning to automatically discover suitable agent designs and behaviours, digital twins to seamlessly move between the digital and physical world, and user studies to explore how to make swarms safe and trustworthy. Such a framework would push the envelope of swarm capabilities, towards making swarms for people.
The following keynote will be held in German:
Keynote 07 February: Schluss mit den digitalen Menschenrechtsverletzungen! Oder: Sind wir nicht alle ein bisschen behindert?
Peggy Reuter-Heinrich
Auch im digitalen Leben gilt das Menschenrecht auf Teilhabe. Durch Hindernisse bei digitalen Lösungen werden Nutzer oft erst zu Behinderten gemacht. Das muss sich dringend ändern! Die öffentliche Hand ist längst verpflichtet, digitale Teilhabe durch Barrierefreiheit sicherzustellen. Ab 2025 gilt dies auch für die Privatwirtschaft. Empathisch setzt Peggy Reuter-Heinrich Impulse und inspiriert zum Mitwirken. Ziel der Expertin ist, den entscheidenden Wandel beim Publikum anzustoßen. Nach diesem Vortrag werden auch Sie zum überzeugten Mitgestalter digitaler Inklusion.
Peggy Reuter-Heinrich ist IT-Unternehmerin, UX-Designerin und Expertin für digitale Barrierefreiheit. Mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung aus über 500 Design-Lösungen, über 100 IT-Projekten und über 2.000 Trainings-Stunden weiß sie, was die Nutzer digitaler Lösungen wirklich brauchen und wollen. Nun strebt die mit einigen Awards geehrte UX-Designerin nach der höchsten Form von UX – nämlich sozial verantwortungsvolle Nutzer-Erlebnisse, welche die Teilhabe aller Menschen an der Digitalisierung ermöglicht. Ihre Mission einer menschenfreundlichen IT-Welt und ihr Wissen teilt Peggy in Büchern, Videos, Vorträgen, Schulungen und Beratungen. Mit Passion und Profession setzt sie sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit und Barrierefreiheit in der digitalen Welt ein. Das tut sie auch als Gründerin einer gemeinnützigen GmbH, die mittels IT hilft. Alles in allem inspiriert sie mit dem femininen Charme einer „Women in Tech“ andere Menschen zum Mitfühlen, Nachdenken, aber insbesondere zum Handeln.
© Photographed Person: Peggy Reuter-Heinrich
© Photographed: Dominik Pfau