Hinweis: Die aktuelle OOP-Konferenz finden Sie hier!
SIGS DATACOM Fachinformationen für IT-Professionals

The Conference for Software Architecture
Munich, 21 - 25 January 2019


Talk: Di 7.2
Date: Tue, 22.01.2019
Time: 14:00 - 14:45

PO work hacks: make user centered product development become reality in our daily work

Time: 14:00 - 14:45
Talk: Di 7.2


Applying a user centered development approach isn’t always easy. The team knows that they need to validate their assumptions regarding a user problem and the right solution for their users. But, it often seems hard to get real and valid user feedback in a reasonable timely and monetary manner. Nevertheless, there are a lot of techniques to apply user research to your day to day product work. I would like to present a bunch of different approaches I used during my life as Product Owner.

Target Audience: Product Owners, Software Developers, Designers, User Experience Managers
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in agile development and user research methods
Level: Practicing

Extended Abstract
Usually POs know the different methods of user centered development and also know the relevance of it.
Still they lack the time and energy to really incorporate it into their daily work. Often their organizations do not encourage a real user centered approach. This makes it even harder for POs to live up to their own expectations.
I have been PO for more than 6 years and worked both in start-up-like and in corporate cultures. In these years I had the chance to try and test several methods and how to fit them into the existing environment. I'd like to share these "work hacks".