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"The Leader must be [X]" is one of the most common sentences we read about leadership. But not all leaders are the same and when working with people context is king!
In this session we will instead analyse the metaphor of Host Leadership: a context-friendly and non-prescriptive way to frame how leadership in an organisation could work. It reuses many of the cultural elements of hosting, thus making it very intuitive and generative!
We will also look at and experiment with practical applications of the idea!
Target Audience: Manager, Leaders, Scrum Master, Agile Coaches
Prerequisites: Experience in a leadership role is a plus, though not required
Level: Basic
Additional Information:
Host Leadership is an idea by Mark McKergow, who analysed the tension between heroic and servant leadership and proposed that an actual effective leadership has elements of both: sometimes hero and sometimes servant. And always adapting according to the context.
Pierluigi Pugliese is active as Agile Coach, Systemic Consultant and Trainer. He has a long experience in various roles in software development organisations and complex international projects. As an expert for Agile and Scrum, he helps clients implement agility in organisations. He strives for sustained improvement in teams and organisations, using the best methods as suggested by his broad experience. His expertise is cross-sector and independent from hierarchical structures, spanning from consulting and coaching at the top management level to single teams and individual developers. He regularly speaks at international conferences on Agile and Scrum, especially focusing on people aspects and team interactions.
He started hacking code so long ago that he cannot remember exactly when anymore. After many years various roles in the mobile telecommunication business, he works as a consultant for software organisations and coach for individuals and teams, focusing on software development and software processes, helping them implementing sound and agile solutions.
A recipe for collaborative product ownership: Finding solutions to business problems that are feasible and sustainable.
Target Audience: Product Owners, Manager, Project Leader, Architects
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
How do you translate Objectives and key results (OKR) back to a hypothesis that can be challenged by the various roles within a team? How do you ensure that the communication around initiatives is not hindered by conflicting terminology or by misinterpretation? In what ways can you involve business stakeholders in finding solutions that will help them understand the technical constraints that a team has to take into account? And how do you prevent tech teams building the wrong thing the right way?
In this session Marijn Huizendveld will take you through the process of leveraging your existing OKRs to clarify what needs to be done to all stakeholders and members of a team.
Marijn Huizendveld – In a small backstreet of Tokyo lives a man named Aki, a 78 years old former chef. Aki spent most of his life trying to perfectly cook the rice he buys from his friend Mato. He's been at it for 57 years now, and still searches for ways to improve his cooking methods. There is probably not too much anybody else could tell Aki about cooking this specific type of rice. When it comes to his process, Aki's understanding is unrivaled.
After years of trial and error, Marijn Huizendveld could be called the Aki of Domain-Driven Design, due to his extensive background in both programming and strategy. He uses this experience to show teams and organizations how to recognize and act on problems and opportunities in an autonomous, self-learning fashion.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Kein Problem, schaut doch mal bei vorbei:
Alignment ist der aktuelle Hype. Alle sollen an einem Strang ziehen. So wichtig das Thema ist, so oberflächlich und voller Plattitüden wird es diskutiert.
Den Beteiligten muss klar sein, was erreicht werden soll. Das und wie man das tut, ist seit mindestens 1954 bekannt. Allerdings entsteht das Alignment, das wir meinen, nur, wenn die Menschen im Unternehmen wissen, was sie tun müssen, ohne ständig alles Mögliche abstimmen und koordinieren zu müssen.
Mission Command und OKRs sind Ansätze, um genau das zu erreichen.
Zielpublikum: Manager, Entscheider:innen, Product Owner, Scrum Master, Projektleiter:innen
Voraussetzungen: Grundkenntnisse Agilität
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Anfänger
Extended Abstract:
Alignment ist der aktuelle Hype. Alle sollen an einem Strang ziehen. So wichtig das Thema ist, so oberflächlich und voller Plattitüden wird es diskutiert.
Offensichtlich muss den Beteiligten klar sein, was erreicht werden soll. Das und wie man das tut, ist seit mindestens 1954 bekannt. Es reicht offensichtlich nicht aus. Schließlich entsteht das Alignment, das wir meinen, nur, wenn die Menschen im Unternehmen wissen, was sie tun müssen, ohne ständig alles Mögliche mit allen möglichen Leuten abstimmen und koordinieren zu müssen.
Die Alignment-Mechanismen reichen von der Rücknahme agiler Arbeitsweisen über OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) bis hin zu Anleihen aus der Militärtaktik wie z. B. Mission Command. Der Vortrag betrachtet verschiedene Methoden in der historischen Entwicklung und vergleicht einzelne Ansätze kritisch bzgl. ihrer Eignung.
Anschließend stellt er wiederkehrende Muster für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung in der Praxis vor.
Nach dem Vortrag kennen die Teilnehmenden die wichtigsten Konzepte zum Thema Alignment & Autonomie und können so fundiert entscheiden, welcher Ansatz in ihrem Kontext besonders nützlich sein kann.
Urs Reupke ist Berater, Trainer und Coach für Agilität bei it-agile.
In fast 15 Jahren Erfahrung mit Agilität hat er gelernt, dass Miteinander, Prozess und Technik Hand in Hand gehen müssen, damit das Ergebnis stimmt.
Heute gibt er diese Erfahrung weiter und hilft Unternehmen aller Größen, elegante Lösungen für ihre strukturellen Probleme zu finden.
Stefan Roock (it-agile) hilft Unternehmen, Führungskräften und Teams dabei, ihre Potenziale zu entfalten - hin zu erfolgreichen Unternehmen, die ihre Kunden und Mitarbeiter begeistern. Er ist davon überzeugt, dass dazu strukturelle, personelle und interpersonelle Themen im Zusammenspiel adressiert werden müssen.
Stefan Roock hat seit 1999 agile Ansätze in Deutschland maßgeblich mit verbreitet und weiterentwickelt. Zunächst hat er als Entwickler in agilen Teams, später als Scrum Master/Agile Coach und Product Owner gearbeitet. Heute arbeitet er zusammen mit seinen Kollegen daran, dass Unternehmen langfristig mit agilen Denk- und Arbeitsweisen erfolgreich sind. Dabei fokussiert er auf agile Leadership.
Er ist regelmäßiger Sprecher zu agilen Themen auf Konferenzen, bei User Groups und in Unternehmen. Außerdem schreibt er Bücher und Artikel zu agilen Themen.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei vorbei:
Agility is vital for any organization that doesn’t want just to adopt the Agile terminology but start changing itself, its core, and its way of thinking and operating.
With our thinking tool, the Adaptivity Map, we have discovered different topologies of organizational design. The org topologies are created in the context of a perfection goal of full adaptivity. By doing this, we discovered the organizational changes and paradigm shifts required to move from one type to another.
Target Audience: CEO, Agile Coaches, Project Leader, Manager, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of agile frameworks
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Many organizations struggle to adopt "agile" in a way that delivers on its promise to make the company fast, flexible and efficient. Global consultancy firms have great pitches on how to adopt different so-called “Agile frameworks”. The marketing is great, but are the results too? We see how our clients get stuck in adopting a framework – forming “agile teams”, appointing “product owners” and then clustering all this into “tribes”. Thus creating robust structures that make further organizational improvements and adaptability difficult, slow, and expensive.
For more details visit
Key Outcome:
In this session, the participants will receive a hands-on thinking tool – Adaptivity Map, that allows participants to design a tailored, long-lasting roadmap to grow their organization's adaptivity towards perfection.
We believe that every organization needs to discover its own Agile adoption goal, and then lay down a path to it. Agility is vital for any organization that doesn’t want just to adopt the Agile terminology but start changing itself, its core, and its way of thinking and operating.
With our thinking tool, the Adaptivity Map, we have discovered different topologies of organizational design. The org topologies are created in the context of a perfection goal of full adaptivity. By doing this, we discovered the organizational changes and paradigm shifts required to move from one type to another.
This session:
In this session, we propose a context-driven approach to find the level of adaptivity that fits in your organization. You will learn a new way of looking at organizational transformation towards high adaptivity. We will offer a realistic palette of corporate transformation strategies using archetypical organization topologies.
Decision-makers attending this session will get familiar with this model and will be able to evaluate their ongoing Agile adoption (if any). They will be able to see their next horizon, and understand what options are available and what difficulties need to be overcome. Attendees will be able to assess their Agile transformation roadmap.
Participants of this session will learn:
Roland Flemm worked for more than 20 years as an engineer in IT and has built 10 years of experience as Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) and Agile transformation design consultant in corporate environments.
Alexey Krivitsky has been a developer, scrum master, conference producer, and speaker since 2004. He has written several books and is the inventor of lego4scrum. He is a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) and works as an organization agility coach.