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The Conference for Software Architecture
03 - 05 July 2023


Conference Program

Please note:
On this page you will only see the English-language presentations of the conference. You can find all conference sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program of OOP 2023 Munich correspond to Central European Time (CET).

By clicking on "VORTRAG MERKEN" within the lecture descriptions you can arrange your own schedule. You can view your schedule at any time using the icon in the upper right corner.

Track: Enabling Change

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  • Montag
14:30 - 15:30
Mo 3.3
A Psychologist's Thoughts on Psychological Safety
A Psychologist's Thoughts on Psychological Safety

With ca. 400 million search results on Google, psychological safety (PS) has become one of the biggest buzzwords in recent years. Unfortunately, most of the people writing and talking about PS are not psychologists. Although they are for the most part well-meaning, this has led to spread of misinformation about what PS is and how it can be fostered in teams.

This talk addresses some misconceptions about PS, presents techniques used by psychologists to analyse PS, and asks the question whether PS is all that's needed for high-performing teams.

Target Audience: Managers, Coaches, Scrum Masters
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic

A quiet and reserved researcher and practitioner with over 25 years experience, Joseph Pelrine is considered by cognoscenti to be one of the pioneers and top experts on Agile methods. As a psychologist, his focus on people and his experience in applying leading-edge techniques from social complexity and psychology to process optimisation goes far beyond the domain of software development, and extends to the whole organisation.

Joseph Pelrine
Joseph Pelrine
Vortrag: Mo 3.3

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