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  • Raghavendra Meharwade
  • Speakers

    Raghavendra Meharwade

    Accenture Agile Community of Practice

    Raghavendra Meharwade (Raghu) is an active member of the Accenture Agile Community of Practice since 2011 and has worked as Scrum Master, Agile SME and Agile Coach for projects spread across geographies and domains. In his current role he is responsible for leading portion of myWizard platform that sets up AI in Agile and coaches teams on its use.
    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/raghavendra-meharwade/


    Vortragsübersicht Konferenzprogramm



    02. Februar 2022 - 17:00-18:00

    Mi 7.4 - Artificial Intelligence Now!
