Hinweis: Die aktuelle OOP-Konferenz finden Sie hier!

  • Olaf Lewitz
  • Speakers

    Olaf Lewitz

    TrustTemenos Academy

    Founder and Agile Coach

    Olaf Lewitz went from programmer to manager to coach to become the trust artist. He integrates his passions: freedom of choice, distributing authority and psychology in his work with transforming human systems.


    2017 | The People's Scrum: Revolutionäre Ideen für den agilen Wandel
    2016 | Showing Up
    2014 | Management Y (Co-Autor)
    2012 | Lean Procrastination

    Vortragsübersicht Konferenzprogramm



    01. Februar 2022 - 09:00-10:30

    Di 2.1 - Social Integration
