Hinweis: Die aktuelle OOP-Konferenz finden Sie hier!

  • Jan Korsanke
  • Speakers

    Jan Korsanke


    UX Designer

    Jan is an experienced Freelance UX Designer and loves to explore what design and technology can do for humanity. Artificial intelligence, Algorithms and Ethics are a big part of that exploration and have been fascinating him for a couple of years. Across his professional experience, he collaborated with large companies, consultancies and a startup specialised in the AI/ML sector. In his free time, he spends time on bicycles or enjoys books. In both cases, he owns too many of them :)

    Vortragsübersicht Konferenzprogramm



    03. Februar 2022 - 11:00-11:45

    Do 5.2 - Signature Track: The Time is Now!
