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Micro-Frontends eigenen sich nicht in allen Szenarien! Diese Session stellt einen alternativen Ansatz vor: Frontend-Modulithen. Wir besprechen das Abbilden fachlicher Domänen, die Kategorisierung von Bibliotheken sowie Zugriffseinschränkungen zum Erzwingen entkoppelter Teilsysteme. Außerdem nutzen wir inkrementelle Builds und einen Build Cache zur drastischen Beschleunigung des CI-Prozesses. Am Ende wissen Sie, ob Frontend-Modulithen für Sie der richtige Ansatz sind und wie Sie Ihre Anwendungen damit aufbauen.
Zielpublikum: Architekt:innen, Entwickler:innen
Voraussetzungen: Grundlagenwissen zu JavaScript von Vorteil
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Fortgeschritten
Manfred Steyer ist Trainer, Berater und programmierender Architekt mit Fokus auf Angular, Google Developer Expert (GDE) für Angular und Trusted Collaborator im Angular-Team. Er unterstützt Firmen im gesamten deutschen Sprachraum, schreibt für O'Reilly, Heise und das Java-Magazin, spricht regelmäßig auf Konferenzen.
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Imagine you have an enterprise frontend monolith. Due to explosive growth, around 30 teams work on it, with about 100 different use cases. How do you keep this system scalable and consistent?
That's the question we faced inside Partner Home at Wayfair. I'm going to share our experience implementing a micro frontend architecture based on React to distribute shared concerns as long-lived applications. We used module federation, a new feature in Webpack 5.
I'll talk about the general architecture, plus an overview of our technical solution.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers
Prerequisites: English, Frontend Architecture, React
Level: Expert
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Software is often resistant to modernization efforts, no matter if it's about phasing out obsolete technologies, migration to the cloud, or establishing modern architecture. The culprit is usually a dependency or obsolete assumption that's too closely coupled to the codebase. But what's the underlying root cause of all that coupling? Often, it's shared, mutable, synchronous state. We will look at a real-world project, and we'll dig ourselves out of the hole it's dug itself into using refactoring, event sourcing, and functional programming.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers
Prerequisites: Some programming
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
As shared mutable state is the core paradigm of object-oriented programming, it tends to be ubiquitous in OO projects. How to avoid it then? The example has followed a familiar path: Convenient tooling allowed the project to get off the ground fast, but tied it to its underlying technologies. By the time support for those technologies has expired, coupling has gotten so strong that huge resources are expended on keeping things going "just one more day". If you've seen projects like this hit a wall, this talk is for you.
Michael Sperber is CEO of Active Group in Tübingen, Germany. Mike specializes in functional programming and has been an internationally recognized expert in the field: He has spoken at the top conferences in programming languages, authored many papers on the subject as well as several books. Moreover, he is an expert on teaching programming.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei vorbei:
The purpose of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload undifferentiated heavy lifting to the Cloud providers or SaaS vendors. Today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. The less you own, the better it is from the maintainability point of view. In this talk I will go through examples of the various Serverless architectures on AWS where you glue together different Serverless managed services, significantly reducing the amount of the code written to perform the task. Own less, build more!
Target Audience: Developers, Architects, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of AWS Serverless Services
Level: Advanced
The idea of looking at your organization as a single coherent system is tempting, but is it realistic? If it isn't, what does that mean for software developers, and how can we make discoverable what we are developing? This talk looks at organizations as ecosystems rather than as systems, and asks what that difference means for software development. It all boils down to focusing on software as components implementing business capabilities, and how to best capture these capabilities and make them findable and useful as reusable components.
Target Audience: Developers, Architects, Project Leaders, API Strategists
Prerequisites: API Basics, Large-scale information systems
Level: Advanced
Erik Wilde works in the Catalyst team at Axway. The team's mission is to help customers do the right things in the API and digital transformation space. Erik has been working in a variety of software companies, always focusing on questions of architecture and strategy. Erik's background is in computer science and he holds a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich, but over the course of his career it has become increasingly clear to him that technology rarely is the factor holding back organizations. So now he is helping organizations with their strategy to make sure that they are successful on their journeys.
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