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How will organizations keep agility alive after their initial agile transformation? The question of what happens if agile becomes daily business is even more intriguing in this post-pandemic COVID era. Will AGILE survive these unparalleled insecure times? Participants in this workshop will explore what is needed to sustainably ‘safeguard’ an enterprise agile delivery culture after the initial ‘agile transformation’. The workshop hosts will share their observations of working in a big financial organization and will invite participants to share theirs so that collectively, we can gain insight and define potential countermeasures.
Target Audience: Anyone interested in transformational agility challenges, e.g. Change Lead, Coach, BusArchitect
Prerequisites: None
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract
Participants in this workshop will explore what is needed to move forward after the initial ‘agile transformation’, to sustainably ‘safeguard’ an enterprise agile delivery culture. The question of what happens if agile becomes daily business is even more intriguing in this post-pandemic COVID era. How will organizations keep agility alive after their initial agile transformation? When organizational systems come under too much pressure; how ‘VUCA’* resistant are our agile enterprise cultures?
Lieke Jansen and Eric Abelen are senior Agile Enterprise Coaches at ING in the Netherlands. They both contributed to ING's Spotify inspired, big-scale transformation towards an agile way of working, some seven years ago. As of then, they have successfully coached a wide variety of departments and organizations within ING to adopt and sustain an effective healthy agile delivery culture. Being key players of a massive enterprise agile transformation, they also observe some challenges related to upkeep of the resulting way of working. Because people come and go, and in our VUCA world business and process change is frequent. What options do we have in this reality of ongoing change to keep the ‘agile enterprise culture’ strong and resilient?
Also, in the Covid pandemic we learned that people and organizations can respond to change quickly, especially those organizations that adopted a culture of agility. But after a period of unparalleled social restrictions, how does this affect our agile corporate cultures? Has the trauma of the pandemic infected us with a renewed urge to feel ‘in control’ of the future and has this irrevocably injured our appetite for organic growth and agility?
In this workshop we will explore this interesting and urgent question together with you. We will share key observations from experience working with a wide variety of delivery and leadership teams and their related organizational structures. We hope that workshop participants are willing to add their observations and experiences to ours. In interactive dialogue sessions we hope to collectively engage in sense-making and to define basic anti-patterns and growth-paths.
( * VUCA = Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity)
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What have we learnt from the transformations in large companies? And how can that help you improving your chances for success?
The DACH30 group is a workgroup of experienced transformation drivers and coaches from over 30 large companies across different industries. One sub-workgroup has been working on these two questions and we recently published our findings.
In this workshop we will share our transformation experiences and work out with you on patterns, that have proven to be helpful in driving agile transformations successfully.
Target Audience: Leaders especially on executive level and organizational development coaches
Prerequisites: Experiences in driving an agile transformation in a large organization
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract
As internal Agile Transformation Coaches from large enterprises we have been supporting quite a number of transformations in various contexts. And as members of a workgroup for Business Agility we were asking ourselves „What can we learn from the different company transformations in the different markets and branches with different cultures? Is there anything they have in common?“ We were quite thrilled to identify some principles and helpful insights and learnings based on success and failures which we found applicable to most of the transformations.
To provide inspiration for others, executives and leaders especially, we summarized these principles and learnings in a Transformation Travel Guide for Growing Adaptive Organizations, including a Travel Map, Travel Tips and also some exemplary Travel Routes based on real-life case studies.
In this session we will provide an overview on the Travel Guide and some deeper insights into learnings from two Transformation Journeys. Study.
Our focus is not on scaling Agile working but rather on achieving Agility on an enterprise level. Hence we are not only looking towards Agile but rather at various methods, thinking models, and techniques in order to find the right approach for specific business problems to solve and for developing organizational towards more adaptivity and resilience.
We are a smaller group from the DACH30 Initiative working on ‚Growing Adaptive Organizations’.
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Wollen wir unseren Enkeln eine lebenswerte Welt hinterlassen, müssen wir das grundlegende Paradigma unseres Wirtschaftssystems umbauen: Weg vom ausbeuterischen Wirtschaften, hin zu einem regenerativen, demokratischeren und inklusiven Wirtschaften.
Der Vortrag ist ein Plädoyer dafür, nicht auf Politiker, Konzernchefs oder ein Wunder zu warten, sondern selbstbewusst aktiv zu werden. Wir stellen erste Ansätze vor, wie Agilität konkret genutzt werden kann, um den Umbau der Wirtschaft in Angriff zu nehmen.
Zielpublikum: Manager:innen, Entscheider:innen, Projektleiter, Teamleiter, ...
Voraussetzungen: Fachkenntnisse agiler Methoden,
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Fortgeschritten
Extended Abstract
Vor über 20 Jahren entstand das agile Manifest, das eine radikal neue Arbeitsweise für die Software-Entwicklung proklamierte. Was damals von vielen belächelt wurde, ist heute auch außerhalb der Software-Entwicklung gang und gäbe. Wir haben gesehen, dass agiles Arbeiten Teams effektiver machen und damit das Leben von Menschen positiv beeinflussen kann. Doch auch wenn sich das „Wie“ des Arbeitens verändert hat: Neue Geschäftsmodelle sind dadurch kaum entstanden.
Heute stehen wir jedoch vor einer neuen, ungleich größeren Herausforderung. Wenn wir unseren Kindern und Enkeln eine lebenswerte Welt hinterlassen wollen, müssen wir das grundlegende Paradigma unseres Wirtschaftssystems umbauen: Weg vom ausbeuterischen Wirtschaften, das Finanzmittel konzentriert und massive Ungleichheit erzeugt, hin zu einem regenerativen, demokratischeren und inklusiven Wirtschaften.
Die Sache ist: Einerseits weiß kaum jemand genau, wie nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle tatsächlich aussehen müssen, welche Technologien noch entstehen und sich durchsetzen werden. Andererseits läuft uns die Zeit davon. Es herrscht Unsicherheit, gepaart mit Zeitdruck.
Genau das ist doch das ursprüngliche Spielfeld agiler Denk- und Arbeitsweisen! Gerade die Community hält alle Tools in den Händen, mit denen Unternehmen regenerative Geschäftsmodelle entwickeln können, die sogar wirtschaftlicher sind als die existierenden. Lasst uns doch die Zukunft gemeinsam gestalten, so wie wir es vor 20 Jahren schon mal gemacht haben. Arbeiten wir mit Unternehmen und Menschen, die diesen Planeten durch enkelfähiges Business erhalten wollen!
Der Vortrag ist ein Plädoyer dafür, nicht auf Politiker, Konzernchefs oder ein Wunder zu warten, sondern selbstbewusst aktiv zu werden. Wir stellen erste Ansätze vor, wie Agilität konkret genutzt werden kann, um den Umbau der Wirtschaft in Angriff zu nehmen.
Stefan Roock (it-agile) hilft Unternehmen, Führungskräften und Teams dabei, ihre Potenziale zu entfalten - hin zu erfolgreichen Unternehmen, die ihre Kunden und Mitarbeiter begeistern. Er ist davon überzeugt, dass dazu strukturelle, personelle und interpersonelle Themen im Zusammenspiel adressiert werden müssen.
Stefan Roock hat seit 1999 agile Ansätze in Deutschland maßgeblich mit verbreitet und weiterentwickelt. Zunächst hat er als Entwickler in agilen Teams, später als Scrum Master/Agile Coach und Product Owner gearbeitet. Heute arbeitet er zusammen mit seinen Kollegen daran, dass Unternehmen langfristig mit agilen Denk- und Arbeitsweisen erfolgreich sind. Dabei fokussiert er auf agile Leadership.
Er ist regelmäßiger Sprecher zu agilen Themen auf Konferenzen, bei User Groups und in Unternehmen. Außerdem schreibt er Bücher und Artikel zu agilen Themen.
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This is a letter from the future: we are working in an organization in a galaxy not so far away … we have a #diverse #social #digital #remote #culture - and we will tell you how we got there. We leave it open to the audience to guess how far this future is away. Or how near they want it to be. Disclaimer: may contain fragments of reality.
Target Audience: Manager, Idealists, Realists, Change Makers
Prerequisites: Open mind
Level: Basic
Hannah Shecter is Senior Marketing Manager Global Events at Adform. She is in charge of managing over 20 countries' marketing engagement strategies and organizing Adform’s flagship Global Events. Hannah is originally from Canada but moved to Germany in her early 20s, on the side of her 9-5 job she is also a Content Creator, highlighting ‘Expat Life’ in Germany.
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The idea of looking at your organization as a single coherent system is tempting, but is it realistic? If it isn't, what does that mean for software developers, and how can we make discoverable what we are developing? This talk looks at organizations as ecosystems rather than as systems, and asks what that difference means for software development. It all boils down to focusing on software as components implementing business capabilities, and how to best capture these capabilities and make them findable and useful as reusable components.
Target Audience: Developers, Architects, Project Leaders, API Strategists
Prerequisites: API Basics, Large-scale information systems
Level: Advanced
Erik Wilde works in the Catalyst team at Axway. The team's mission is to help customers do the right things in the API and digital transformation space. Erik has been working in a variety of software companies, always focusing on questions of architecture and strategy. Erik's background is in computer science and he holds a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich, but over the course of his career it has become increasingly clear to him that technology rarely is the factor holding back organizations. So now he is helping organizations with their strategy to make sure that they are successful on their journeys.
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Leaders of innovation, business and tech are experiencing an unprecedented demand to accelerate the pace of digital transformation. From board rooms to kindergarten classrooms, the unexpected upheaval triggered by the onset of the pandemic saw organizations make drastic changes. In this talk, Layla will share how we can learn from our transformations of past industrial revolutions, how shifts in human behavior help inform opportunities and how we can best consider interventions and take action.
Target Audience: Strategists, Product Owners, Designers, Technologists, Developers, Architects, Managers, - everyone
Prerequisites: None
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract
Leaders of innovation, business and tech are experiencing an unprecedented demand to accelerate the pace of digital transformation. From board rooms to kindergarten classrooms, the unexpected upheaval triggered by the onset of the pandemic saw organizations make drastic changes. What for some was previously believed to be a process anticipating to take years, or met with resistance or incremental change, happened in months, weeks or even days.
We now have the amazing opportunity to shape our future rather than to react to it. Pandemic affects and evolving needs are converging to drive development towards innovative solutions. We need to build new capabilities towards helping organizations adopt new skills and shape new products and solutions – and simultaneously, we need to make different choices about where to focus efforts and initiatives. While no one can predict future moments of opportunity, or how technology will impact our lives on the short and long term, with certainty, we know opportunities will continue to come.
In this talk, Layla will share how we can learn from our transformations of past industrial revolutions, how shifts in human behavior help inform opportunities and how we can best consider interventions and take action.
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Who drove your digital transformation? Your CEO? Or COVID-19? Across workplaces, markets and everyday habits, the pandemic transformed our world beyond our control. The way that we work, what we work on, even why we work were all transformed in ways that few organisational transformation programs ever achieved. Software played a key role in this transformation and, for better or for worse, it runs the world. We will explore the changes to the way we live that have moved from possibilities to realities and from opportunities to responsibilities.
Target Audience: Everyone interested in Digitalization
Prerequisites: None
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract
Who drove your digital transformation? Your CEO? CTO? Or COVID-19? Across workplaces, markets and everyday habits, the pandemic transformed our world beyond our control. But for the parts we were able to control, software and technology played key roles. The way that we work, what we work on and even why we work were all transformed in ways that few organisational transformation programs ever achieved.
For better or for worse, software runs the world, and with great power comes great responsibility. Software has always been at the forefront of communication and distributed working, from the invention of the email to the current internet landscape, from social media to making socially distanced work a practical reality. Of course, it's not all good and things have not always turned out the way technologists expected. In this session we will explore the changes to the way we live that have moved from possibilities to realities and from opportunities to responsibilities.
Kevlin Henney is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in programming, practice and people. He is co-author of two volumes in the ”Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture” series, and editor and contributor for multiple books in the ”97 Things” series. He lives in Bristol and online.
Frank Buschmann is a Senior Principal Engineer at Siemens Technology in Munich. His interests are in modern software architecture and development approaches for industrial digitization.
Michael Kircher verantwortet als Leitender Angestellter bei der DATEV eG die Themen Technologiestrategie, Software-Architektur, als auch die Software-Entwicklungsprozesse und -methoden. Von 2007 bis 2014 verantwortete er die technische Leitung der syngo Plattform der Siemens Healthcare. Seit über 30 Jahren ist er dem Software-Engineering verbunden: praktizierend, fordernd und fördernd.
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Dr. Carola Lilienthal ist Geschäftsführerin bei der WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung. Seit 1998 entwickelt sie qualitativ hochwertige Softwaresysteme mit ihren Teams. Carola hält regelmäßig Vorträge auf Konferenzen, schreibt Artikel und hat ein Buch zum Thema „Langlebige Software-Architekturen“ veröffentlicht.
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