The Conference for Software Architecture
online-conference, 08 - 12 February 2021
The Conference for Software Architecture
online-conference, 08 - 12 February 2021
Please note:
On this site, there is only displayed the English speaking sessions of the OOP 2021 Fachforen. You can find all sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.
The times given in the conference program of OOP 2021 Fachforen correspond to Central European Time (CET).
Continuous delivery is everywhere. Well, not quite! Many teams still fail to continuously deliver well tested and stable product increments to production. Usually with the same old excuse: these high-level tests are too laborious and expensive to implement. But the opposite could be the case! This session will highlight the challenges and importance of early (non-)functional testing for cloud-native applications. Then, we will show how easy it is to implement continuous performance, security and acceptance tests for microservices based on K8s.
Target Audience: Software-Architekten, Software-Entwickler
Level: Advanced
Mario-Leander Reimer ist passionierter Entwickler, stolzer Vater und #CloudNativeNerd. Er arbeitet als Principal Software Architect bei der QAware GmbH und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit den Innovationen und Technologien rund um den Cloud Native Stack und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Unternehmensumfeld. Außerdem unterrichtet er Software-Qualitätssicherung an der TH Rosenheim.
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