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OOP Fachforen

Please note:
On this site, there is only displayed the English speaking sessions of the OOP 2021 Fachforen. You can find all sessions, including the German speaking ones, here.

The times given in the conference program of OOP 2021 Fachforen correspond to Central European Time (CET).

OOP Fachforen

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  • Dienstag
  • Mittwoch
  • Donnerstag
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:00
KEYNOTE: What’s Past is Prologue: a Story of Event-Driven Architecture
KEYNOTE: What’s Past is Prologue: a Story of Event-Driven Architecture

The growth of Kafka inside an organization sometimes follows the development of the broader Kafka ecosystem over its lifetime. The initial use case may be something conceptually simple, like mainframe offload or point-to-point integration, evoking the simple Large Pipe architectures of Kafka’s infancy. Then those newly populated streams of events present themselves as fertile grounds for real-time analytics, as stream processing applications grow up around them to perform analysis event-by-event, leaving behind legacy ETL processes and their long batch times. Finally, a rich set of event streams gradually comes to describe more and more of the evolving state of the business, forming the substrate on which an ecosystem of event-driven microservices can thrive.This growth in architectural sophistication of an organization’s Kafka usage mirrors the development of those same concepts in the Kafka community over the past decade. In many cases, the process can be played forward at an accelerated rate as leaders draw on lessons learned and concepts developed by the community. This talk traces this development, ending with a comprehensive vision of an event-driven architecture suitable for the next generation of information technology deployments. You’ll leave knowing where you need to go and how this new architectural paradigm will help you get there.

Tim is a teacher, author, and technology leader with Confluent, where he serves as the Senior Director of Developer Experience. He can frequently be found at speaking at conferences in the United States and all over the world. He is the co-presenter of various O’Reilly training videos on topics ranging from Git to Distributed Systems, and is the author of Gradle Beyond the Basics. He tweets as @tlberglund, blogs very occasionally at http://timberglund.com, and lives in Littleton, CO, USA with the wife of his youth and their youngest child, the other two having mostly grown up.
Tim Berglund
Tim Berglund
Track: Keynote
Vortrag: KeyDi1
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
Lunch Break

13:00 - 14:00
FF-Di 1.3
Kafka as a secure internal service
Kafka as a secure internal service

Securing Kafka at scale for multiple tenants is complex and doing it wrong could cost thousands of euros per minute in downtime and increases the risk of data breaches. The more data and applications a platform can access, the more protection is needed to keep that data safe. How to make Event Streaming secure for multiple tenants? Join our talk to explore new capabilities that protect event data from threats and vulnerabilities across the entire Kafka ecosystem. Our session will be about Confluent Kafka as a secure internal multi-tenant service. The presenters will explore two aspects: Ralf Nellessen will show goals and implementation characteristics of End-to-End Encryption. Ramesh Jogula will demonstrate how Kafka Connect can be run using GitOps as part of a service. The following questions will structure the discussion: How did we include additional features like Large Message Handling and End-to-End Encryption in our Kafka implementation? How do we practically configure Kafka Connect for GitOps deployments?

Target Audience: IT-Projektmanager, Software-Architekten, Software-Entwickler, Business Development, Produktmanager
Level: Advanced

The IT Security evangelist, Ralf Nellessen, joined beON consult in 2018. He leads the company`s Centre of Excellence for IT Security. He has designed and successfully implemented numerous data-driven security concepts in complex enterprise infrastructures. He operates on the basis of years of experience with the creation and implementation of security concepts and architectures for Apache / Confluent Kafka and for SAP NW ABAP and SAP HANA system lines, monitoring and landscapes. 
Ramesh Jogula joined beON consult in 2018 as Senior Integration Architect and is responsible for the Kafka Centre of Excellence. He brings along over 16 years of in-depth experience in Technical Integration of various applications across multiple industrial domains including insurance, energy, government and manufacturing. As full-fledged lead architect and certified Confluent Kafka Developer, he has built distributed, scalable and reliable data pipelines that ingest and process data at scale and in real-time based on Confluent Kafka.  Ramesh Jogula kam 2018 als Senior Integration Architect zu beON consult und ist verantwortlich für das Kafka Centre of Excellence. Er verfügt über mehr als 16 Jahre Erfahrung in der technischen Integration verschiedener Anwendungen in unterschiedlichen Branchen, darunter Versicherungen, Energie, Behörden und Fertigungsunternehmen. Als erfahrener Lead Architekt und zertifizierter Confluent Kafka Developer hat er diverse verteilte, skalierbare und zuverlässige Datenpipelines aufgebaut, die Daten in großem Umfang und in Echtzeit auf Basis von Confluent Kafka einlesen und verarbeiten.
Ralf Nellessen, Ramesh Jogula
Ralf Nellessen, Ramesh Jogula
Track: Kafka
Vortrag: FF-Di 1.3
13:00 - 14:00
FF-Di 2.3
Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM
Efficient DevOps Tooling with Java and GraalVM

Ops tooling has so far been the domain of shell scripts, interpreted languages like Python or statically compile languages like Go. But with the advent of GraalVM this situation has changed significantly. But behold: it is now possible to apply the power of the Java language and its ecosystem to your DevOps tooling problems and yet get optimal performance and efficiency by using GraalVM native images. In this session we will show that versatile 12-factor CLIs and powerful Kubernetes operators can be implemented in Java super easy in no time.

Target Audience:Software Architects, Software Developer
Level: Advanced


Mario-Leander Reimer ist passionierter Entwickler, stolzer Vater und #CloudNativeNerd. Er arbeitet als Principal Software Architect bei der QAware GmbH und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit den Innovationen und Technologien rund um den Cloud Native Stack und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Unternehmensumfeld. Außerdem unterrichtet er Software-Qualitätssicherung an der TH Rosenheim.

Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/Mario_Leander_Reimer

Mario-Leander Reimer
Mario-Leander Reimer
Track: Java
Vortrag: FF-Di 2.3
14:00 - 15:00
FF-Di 1.4
It’s not just Kafka - what else does it take to be real-time?
It’s not just Kafka - what else does it take to be real-time?

From personalised instantaneous marketing campaigns to reacting to user interactions, Real-Time is the key to open up a world of use cases that batch and scheduled processing cannot efficiently satisfy. In this talk, we are going to observe the natural journey companies undertake to become real-time, the possibilities it opens for them, and the challenges they will face. We will see it’s not just about setting up Kafka, but about how you approach the journey to become event-driven.

Target Audience: Software-Architekten, IT-Projektmanager, Produktmanager, Business Development
Level: Advanced

Sergio Spinatelli works as a Manager and Architect for the Event Driven and Streaming Applications Business Unit at Data Reply. With experiences in major industries (Automotive, Retail, Media, Banking) and with state of the art Big Data technologies, he focuses on Stream Processing, Real-Time Analytics, Microservice Architectures and Cloud.

Alex Piermatteo works as a Manager and Architect for the Event Driven and Streaming Applications Business Unit at Data Reply. Alex is regular speaker at conferences and his main area of expertise lies within the fields of Stream Processing, Big Data Integration & Analytics, Cloud, Microservices and DevOps.

Sergio Spinatelli, Alex Piermatteo
Sergio Spinatelli, Alex Piermatteo
Track: Kafka
Vortrag: FF-Di 1.4
15:00 - 15:45
KEYNOTE: How to Talk to the Elephant
KEYNOTE: How to Talk to the Elephant

In speaking about better ways of thinking and problem-solving, Linda has introduced Jonathan Haidt's model for the brain. He proposes that the rational, conscious mind is like the rider of an elephant (the emotional, unconscious mind) who directs the animal to follow a path. In Fearless Change, the pattern Easier Path recommends making life easier to encourage reluctant individuals to adopt a new idea. Linda suggests that in conversations with others who see the world differently, we "talk to the elephant" instead of the "rider." That is, don't use logic or facts, but appeal to the emotional brain of the resistor as well as making the path more attractive. There is always the question: What's the best way to talk to the elephant? This presentation will provide some answers. Listeners will learn the best elephant-speak based on the latest research in cognitive neuroscience and also hear suggestions for providing an Easier Path.

Linda Rising is an independent consultant who lives near Nashville, Tennessee. Linda has a Ph.D. from Arizona State University in object-based design metrics. Her background includes university teaching as well as work in telecommunications, avionics, and tactical weapons systems. She is an internationally known presenter on topics related to agile development, patterns, retrospectives, the change process, and the connection between the latest neuroscience and software development. Linda is the author of numerous articles and five books. Her web site is: lindarising.org
Linda Rising
Linda Rising
Track: Keynote
Vortrag: KeyDi2
15:45 - 16:15
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break

16:15 - 17:15
FF-Di 2.5
Creating fully reactive applications with R2DBC and MariaDB
Creating fully reactive applications with R2DBC and MariaDB

Not too long ago, a reactive variant of the JDBC API was released, known as Reactive Relational Database Connectivity (R2DBC). While R2DBC started as an experiment to enable integration of SQL databases into systems that use reactive programming models, it now specifies a robust specification that can be implemented to manage data in a fully reactive and completely non-blocking fashion. In this session, we’ll briefly go over the fundamentals that make R2DBC so powerful. We'll keep light on the slides so that we can jump directly into application code to get a firsthand look at the recently released R2DBC driver from MariaDB. From there, we'll examine how you can take advantage of crucial concepts, like event-driven behavior and backpressure, that enable fully reactive, non-blocking interactions with a relational database. Join Rob Hedgpeth, MariaDB's developer evangelist, as he:

• Introduces MariaDB Connector/R2DBC

• Examines the advantages of fully reactive, non-blocking development with MariaDB

• Provides a firsthand look at what it’s like to use the new connector with some live coding

Rob Hedgpeth, Developer Evangelist, MariaDB Rob Hedgpeth has been slinging code since the early 2000's. Like many others, he started his journey by building pretty horrendous looking websites. Fortunately, for the world, he has since evolved and has branched out to a variety of projects across web, desktop, mobile, and IoT. Throughout the years he has contributed to the architecture and development of many apps using a large array of languages and technologies. Now as a developer evangelist for MariaDB, Rob gets to combine his love for technology with his mission to fuel developers' curiosity and passion.
Rob Hedgpeth
Rob Hedgpeth
Track: Java
Vortrag: FF-Di 2.5
17:15 - 17:45
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break

19:00 - 21:00
FF-Di 2.7
Cloud Native Java
Cloud Native Java

“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” -W. Edwards Deming  Work takes time to flow through an organization and ultimately be deployed to production where it captures value. It’s critical to reduce time-to-production. Software - for many organizations and industries - is a competitive advantage.   Organizations break their larger software ambitions into smaller, independently deployable, feature -centric batches of work - microservices. In order to reduce the round-trip between stations of work, organizations collapse or consolidate as much of them as possible and automate the rest; developers and operations beget “devops,” cloud-based services and platforms automate operations work and break down the need for ITIL tickets and change management boards.   But velocity, for velocity’s sake, is dangerous. Microservices invite architectural complexity that few are prepared to address. In this talk, we’ll look at how high performance organizations like Ticketmaster, Alibaba, and Netflix make short work of that complexity with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

Josh (@starbuxman) has been the first Spring Developer Advocate since 2010. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 6 books (including O'Reilly's "Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry" and "Reactive Spring") and numerous best-selling video training (including "Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons" with Spring Boot co-founder Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin, etc), a podcaster ("A Bootiful Podcast") and a YouTuber.
Josh Long
Josh Long
Track: Java
Vortrag: FF-Di 2.7
09:30 - 15:30
One API by Intel Special Day
An AI that beats the Turing test at detecting cancer? Possible.
An AI that beats the Turing test at detecting cancer? Possible.

Vortrag: SD Intel 1.1
Zeit:  09:30 - 10:30

We will show you how Intel's oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit and distributed hardware architecture made such a feat possible.

Deep Learning on the Edge with OpenVINO
Deep Learning on the Edge with OpenVINO

Vortrag: SD Intel 1.2
Zeit:  10:45 - 11:45

See by yourself how OpenVINO makes rolling out optimized Deep Learning Inference projects at the Edge on any platform fast and easy. Try it by yourself after this live demo on the Intel DevCloud for the Edge.

Dr. Séverine Habert is Senior Consultant at Intel for AI and OpenVINO, helping customers to deploy Computer Vision and AI into their applications.
Introduction to heterogenous programming with Data Parallel C++
Introduction to heterogenous programming with Data Parallel C++

Vortrag: SD Intel 1.3
Zeit:  13:15 - 14:15

From "Hello World" to offloading on high-performance devices, with an overview of SYCL and OpenMP 5.

Igor Vorobtsov has 10+ years of experience in the areas of C/C++ and Fortran compilers, application tuning and developer support. Igor got a Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics. Since joining Intel in 2008, Igor has worked as a Compiler Technical Consulting Engineer supporting software developers throughout EMEA region. Igor has a broad array of application experience, including enterprise applications and high performance computing environments.
Think Parallel on GPUs from CUDA to Data Parallel C++
Think Parallel on GPUs from CUDA to Data Parallel C++

Vortrag: SD Intel 1.4
Zeit:  14:30 - 15:30

See how data intense applications can be migrated from CUDA to Data Parallel C++ without the hard work using the new Compatibility tool in Intel oneAPI.

Igor Vorobtsov has 10+ years of experience in the areas of C/C++ and Fortran compilers, application tuning and developer support. Igor got a Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics. Since joining Intel in 2008, Igor has worked as a Compiler Technical Consulting Engineer supporting software developers throughout EMEA region. Igor has a broad array of application experience, including enterprise applications and high performance computing environments.
Shailen Sobhee
Séverine Habert
Igor Vorobtsov
Igor Vorobtsov
Shailen Sobhee
Vortrag: SD Intel 1.1
Séverine Habert
Vortrag: SD Intel 1.2
Igor Vorobtsov
Vortrag: SD Intel 1.3
Igor Vorobtsov
Vortrag: SD Intel 1.4
12:00 - 12:45
KEYNOTE: Betting the Future of AI with Live Innovation Hacking Tour at TNG Labs
KEYNOTE: Betting the Future of AI with Live Innovation Hacking Tour at TNG Labs

For this keynote, Intel Software and TNG Technology Consulting go on a journey to some amazing innovations in Artificial Intelligence. Starting with the concept of Intel® oneAPI and introducing software development tools enabling a multi-architecture future, the keynote will travel in real-time to the AI Labs of TNG in Munich where Thomas Endres, Martin Förtsch and Jonas Mayer will take the audience on an exciting Live Innovation Hacking Tour showcasing the latest capabilities of AI at the edge.

Ralph de Wargny ist Business Development Manager für die Intel Software & Services Group, verantwortlich für die Region Zentral- und Süd-Europa sowie Mittleren Osten und Afrika. Er berät Software- und Industrie- Unternehmen zu den Themen Softwareentwicklung, Optimierung, Parallele Programmierung, Werkzeuge und Methoden. Er hat über 10 Jahre internationale Erfahrung in der IT-Industrie in Firmen wie Intel, Tech Mahindra aus Indien, Business Objects und Compaq Computer.

Thomas Endres arbeitet in der Rolle eines Partners als IT-Consultant für TNG Technology Consulting in München. Mit dem TNG-Innovation-Hacking-Team entwickelt er verschiedene Prototypen – darunter ein Telepräsenz-Robotik-System, verschiedene KI-Prototypen und AR/VR-Showcases. Als Intel Software Innovator und Black Belt präsentiert er weltweit neue Technologien wie KI, AR/VR und Robotik. Dafür erhielt er unter anderem einen JavaOne Rockstar-Award.

Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/experten/thomas-endres/

Martin Förtsch studied computer sciences and works as an IT consultant for TNG Technology Consulting GmbH. In addition to the focus on agile software development in Java, he is familiar with the development of innovative showcases. As JavaOne Rockstar, Intel Software Innovator and Black Belt, he develops showcases with a focus on artificial intelligence, IoT, AR and VR.

Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/experten/martin-foertsch/

Jonas Mayer arbeitet im Innovation Hacking Team der TNG Technology Consulting und beschäftigt sich dort hauptsächlich mit der Entwicklung von innovativen Showcases und Prototypen in Soft- und Hardware. So arbeitete er seit 2018 an verschiedensten Projekten, wie zum Beispiel Deepfakes, Mixed Reality KI-Kunstwerken und autonom fliegenden Minidrohnen.

Ralph de Wargny, Thomas Endres, Martin Förtsch, Jonas Mayer
Ralph de Wargny, Thomas Endres, Martin Förtsch, Jonas Mayer
Track: Keynote
Vortrag: KeyMi1
12:45 - 13:45
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
Lunch Break

15:45 - 16:30
KEYNOTE: Software Architecture: The Past, The Present, and the Future
KEYNOTE: Software Architecture: The Past, The Present, and the Future

Over the history of software systems, the way we build such artifacts, the way we design them, the way we express them have evolved in seemingly disruptive ways. Even today, the pendulum swings between low ceremony agile methods to more rigid waterfall-ish ones; from big balls of mud to microservices and then back to big balls of microservices. In this talk, we'll examine the past, the present, and the future of software architecture: the role it plays in software systems, and the timeless fundamentals that remain across the fullness of time.

Grady Booch is Chief Scientist for Software Engineering at IBM Research where he leads IBM’s research and development for embodied cognition. Having originated the term and the practice of object-oriented design, he is best known for his work in advancing the fields of software engineering and software architecture. A co-author of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a founding member of the Agile Alliance, and a founding member of the Hillside Group, Grady has published six books and several hundred technical articles, including an ongoing column for IEEE Software. Grady was also a trustee for the Computer History Museum. He is an IBM Fellow, an ACM and IEEE Fellow, has been awarded the Lovelace Medal and has given the Turing Lecture for the BCS, and was recently named an IEEE Computer Pioneer. He is currently developing a major trans-media documentary for public broadcast on the intersection of computing and the human experience.

Grady Booch
Grady Booch
Track: Keynote
Vortrag: KeyMi2
Track: Keynote
Vortrag: KeyMi2
16:30 - 17:00
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break

09:30 - 12:45
Intel Workshop Day
Practical OneAPI – it’s just so easy!
Practical OneAPI – it’s just so easy!

Vortrag: WS Intel 1.1
Zeit:  09:30 - 11:00

The Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit is a core set of tools and libraries for developing high-performance, data-centric applications across diverse architectures. It features an industry-leading C++ compiler and the Data Parallel C++ (DPC++) language, an evolution of C++ for heterogeneous computing.In this session we show how  write and run C++ and DPC++ code, with an emphasis on the practical aspects of using the oneAPI toolkits. Included in the session are examples of how to use the Intel® DevCloud, a free development sandbox with access to the latest hardware from Intel and Intel oneAPI software. We show how to build run and profile a number of oneAPI applications using the latest tools from Intel.

Stephen is currently Technical Director at Bayncore and was for 18 years a Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel helping their strategic customers in software optimisation and code modernisation.  He currently leads the team of consultants at Bayncore providing HPC and AI training on Intel Architecture. He is an Intel certified oneAPI instructor.
Segmentation and Distributed Learning using the Intel AI Data Analytics Toolkit.
Segmentation and Distributed Learning using the Intel AI Data Analytics Toolkit.

Vortrag: WS Intel 1.2
Zeit:  11:15 - 12:45

The Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit, which is powered by oneAPI technology, gives
data scientists, AI developers, and researchers familiar Python tools and
frameworks to accelerate end-to-end data science and analytics pipelines on
Intel® architectures.

In this session we show how to harness the power of the Intel AI Analytics
Toolkit, including the Intel optimised version of Python and Tensorflow by
using them in a biomedical image segmentation project. Finally, we demonstrate
data parallel training using TensorFlow and Horovod which can be used for
large scale training of deep neural networks across multiple compute nodes.

Georg is one of the lead consultants at Bayncore and was for 12 years a Software and Technical Consulting Engineer at Intel.  Georg’s specializations include Deep and Machine Learning, as well as High Performance Computing. He has a record of almost ten years in conducting international training events and workshops and is an Intel certified oneAPI instructor.

Stephen Blair-Chappell
Georg Zitzlsberger
Stephen Blair-Chappell
Vortrag: WS Intel 1.1
Georg Zitzlsberger
Vortrag: WS Intel 1.2
10:45 - 11:45
FF-Do 1.2
Application Meeting Business Needs - From Idea To Production
Application Meeting Business Needs - From Idea To Production

Is solid application architecture running on the cloud enough to succeed on your Cloud-Native journey? What are other important aspects of Cloud-Native initiative that are often been overlooked and play an equally important role in your Digital Transformation Journey? Join us to learn more about how to put it all together and how developers can work better with business and operations. We will go over end to end story, from an idea to a running code in production, and cover how you can improve time to market, stability, scalability, security, and savings.

Nenad Momcilovic is a member of the VMware Tanzu Solution Engineering team in EMEA Central based in Vienna, Austria. Nenad is very interested in Cloud-Native Technologies and helping customers successfully complete their Digital Transformation journey. He has 20+ years of experience in the industry working with various technologies, customers within different verticals, and around the world. Nenad holds a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, loves to read and learn about new technologies. 
Nenad Momcilovic
Nenad Momcilovic
Track: Cloud
Vortrag: FF-Do 1.2
12:45 - 13:45
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
Lunch Break

13:45 - 14:45
CD-Do 1.4
Continuous (Non)-Functional Testing of Microservices on K8s
Continuous (Non)-Functional Testing of Microservices on K8s

Continuous delivery is everywhere. Well, not quite! Many teams still fail to continuously deliver well tested and stable product increments to production. Usually with the same old excuse: these high-level tests are too laborious and expensive to implement. But the opposite could be the case! This session will highlight the challenges and importance of early (non-)functional testing for cloud-native applications. Then, we will show how easy it is to implement continuous performance, security and acceptance tests for microservices based on K8s.

Target Audience: Software-Architekten, Software-Entwickler
Level: Advanced

Mario-Leander Reimer ist passionierter Entwickler, stolzer Vater und #CloudNativeNerd. Er arbeitet als Principal Software Architect bei der QAware GmbH und beschäftigt sich intensiv mit den Innovationen und Technologien rund um den Cloud Native Stack und deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Unternehmensumfeld. Außerdem unterrichtet er Software-Qualitätssicherung an der TH Rosenheim.

Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei sigs.de vorbei: https://www.sigs.de/autor/Mario_Leander_Reimer

Mario-Leander Reimer
Mario-Leander Reimer
Vortrag: CD-Do 1.4
14:45 - 15:45
FF-Do 2.5
Applying Conway: Building organizations that scale
Applying Conway: Building organizations that scale

In this talk, you'll find out what Conway's law is and how it relates to both organizational and software architecture. You'll also learn how to get started with software that scales and then do an inverse Conway to get an organizational structure that scales with it. The talk will use the Kubernetes project as a concrete example.

Henrik is a Senior consultant with more than 20 years experience within operations, DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Docker, and Kubernetes. As a consultant Henrik regularly works with container technologies like Kubernetes, version control, and agile task management systems but also spends a great deal of time working with general organizational, architectural and process related challenges for customers.
Henrik Høegh
Henrik Høegh
Track: Agile
Vortrag: FF-Do 2.5
15:45 - 16:30
KEYNOTE: A Sustainable Internet. Missing Pieces to a Healthy Future
KEYNOTE: A Sustainable Internet. Missing Pieces to a Healthy Future

Sustainability is often defined as the interconnection of: social connection, economic wellbeing, and a healthy environment. The recent corona pandemic has yet again highlighted the potential as well as the necessity of a fundamental technology: the internet. However, to be sustainable, the internet also needs to assess, mitigate, and live up to its responsibilities for a healthy environment – an element of the equation that is too often neglected. What is the internet’s environmental impact and what would it take for it to be sustainable?

Extended Abstract:
Sustainability is often defined as the interconnection of three elements: social connection, economic wellbeing, and a healthy environment. The recent corona pandemic has yet again highlighted the potential as well as the necessity of a fundamental technology: the internet. The internet has become the lifeline for social connection in times of physical distancing. It is also the primary means by which to still conduct business for those of us that are not on the essential frontlines, in terms of working remotely, providing online services, and monetization, hence being a critical vehicle to safeguard some economic wellbeing. However, to be sustainable, the internet also needs to assess, mitigate, and live up to its responsibilities for a healthy environment – an element of the equation that is too often neglected. What is the internet’s environmental impact and what would it take for it to be sustainable?

Cathleen Berger is a political scientist by training. She has built her career on combining her expertise and training with her curiosity for technological developments, notably with a view to cultural differences in a globalised, networked world. As of March 2020, Cathleen became Mozilla’s first Sustainability Steward, leading the organisation’s journey towards environmental sustainability. Prior to that, Cathleen headed up Mozilla’s work on Global Governance, developed policy strategy for the Office of the Chair, and identified emerging trends around technologies and their impact on society.
Cathleen Berger
Cathleen Berger
Track: Keynote
Vortrag: KeyDo2
16:30 - 17:00
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break

17:00 - 18:00
FF-Do 1.6
Building a typical Spring Cloud architecture application
Building a typical Spring Cloud architecture application

As companies have moved their workloads to the cloud, we've seen a growth in the use of cloud-native architectures, particularly microservices. Microservice-based architectures help improve scalability and velocity but implementing them can pose challenges. In this session, you will learn how Spring Cloud helps you mitigate these!

Timo Salm is based out of Stuttgart in southwest Germany and in the role of the first VMware Tanzu Solutions Engineer for Developer Experience in EMEA with a focus on VMware Tanzu Application Platform and commercial Spring products. In this role, he’s responsible for educating customers on the value, vision, and strategy of these products, and ensuring that they succeed by working closely on different levels of abstractions of modern applications and modern infrastructure.
Before Timo joined Pivotal and VMware, he worked for more than seven years for consulting firms in the automotive industry as a software architect and full-stack developer on projects for customer-facing products.

Timo Salm
Timo Salm
Track: Cloud
Vortrag: FF-Do 1.6
