Die Konferenz für Software-Architektur
08. - 12. Februar 2021, Online-Konferenz
Die Konferenz für Software-Architektur
08. - 12. Februar 2021, Online-Konferenz
AI is maybe the most powerful tool our generation has available. Andrew NG called it "the new electricity". But what does it take to build AI enabled products? What are the key elements to achieve production grade AI? How does it impact your development process? How can quality be achieved? These are the questions this talk tries to answer. You will get an idea why the industry is talking about nothing less than a paradigm shift when it comes to developing AI based products.
Target Audience: Everyone interested in the shift from classical software engineering to data driven AI applications
Prerequisites: Interested in AI, how it works and its impact on engineering departments
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
AI is maybe the most powerful tool our generation has available. Andrew NG called it "the new electricity". Most likely you used an AI based product within the last 3 hours, maybe without even noticing it. But what does it take to build AI enabled products? What are the key elements to achieve production grade AI? How does it impact your development process? How can quality be achieved? These are the questions this talk tries to answer. In addition we will look into the different stages of AI development and the tools which can help to make this process more efficient. You will get an idea why the industry is talking about nothing less than a paradigm shift when it comes to developing AI based products.
Whether evolution or revolution, or yet old wine in new skins, for more than 10 years, DevOps is changing how we develop and deliver software. This session looks back on the roots of DevOps, its movement until today, and current as well as possible future directions. This interactive session aims to offer a set of fruitful starting points for reflection and discussions.
Target Audience: Anyone interested in developing and delivering software
Prerequisites: Knowledge in DevOps and agile software development
Level: Advanced
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My hope for the future of software development; We learn that we are responsible for so many big and small impacts to society and that we have to take that seriously. We learn that even if software processes are described in great detail, we should not stop questioning whether we are still doing the right thing, the right way. We can bring our whole self to work. But most of all we learn that continuous integration is something you must have, continuous delivery is very nice to have, and continuous deployment is but a lovely dream for most.
Target Audience: Software developers, agile coaches, managers, leaders, and anyone married to a software developer
Prerequisites: Experiences in agile software development
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
I have been in software development for 22 years, and I have seen trends come and go like the fascinations of a teenager. I have taught RUP and years later, I have laughed at RUP. On the other hand, I have laughed at Artificial Intelligence, but some years later, AI laughed at me.
This talk will describe how I think the future of software development will look if we reflect now and learn from the past. Learn to bring your whole self to work, and accept that others do the same. Learn that even if software processes can be described in great detail you should not stop questioning whether you are still doing the right thing in the right way. Learn that we are responsible for so many big and small impacts to society and that we have to take that seriously. But most of all learn that continuous integration is something you must have, continuous delivery is very nice to have, and continuous deployment is a lovely dream for most people.
In summary, I will borrow words from Dr Emmett Brown: “Roads? Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads.” Developers will fly over the roadmaps and stage-gate systems and do exactly, no more, no less, what is needed to build wonderful software systems and to stay sane and human in our field.
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Looking back, especially now, makes us sad, but Linda will share scientific evidence that remembering the past provides measurable benefits. She'll outline the science and help us remember some of the "good old days" and then we'll all feel better.
Target Audience: Anyone
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
Many of us experience nostalgia as a bittersweet emotion. It combines the memory of good times with the ache of loss. You might think that people who are more nostalgic are more prone to sadness and depression. But research shows that nostalgic reflection makes us more optimistic. It reaffirms our social connections. And by remembering important things about the past, it lays out a vision for a hopeful future. To demonstrate this, Linda will take us back to the "good old days" and through her remembrances, lead us all to a better place. This will, hopefully, demonstrate how nostalgia gives us renewed appreciation for the people and places that constitute our lives.
Dieser Talk berichtet von den Erfahrungen der letzten 7 Jahre bei der Digitalen Transformation der DATEV aus der Sicht des Software-Engineering. Während es einfach scheint, den Buzzwords der Zeit nachzulaufen und sich dadurch inmitten der sogenannten “Digitalen Transformationen” zu fühlen, ist es meist doch viel diffiziler, eine Firma nachhaltig und zum Besseren zu entwickeln. Dieser Vortrag geht auf nicht ganz so offensichtliche Aspekte und deren Wechselwirkungen ein.
Zielpublikum: Architekt:innen, Management
Voraussetzungen: Keine
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Fortgeschritten
Extended Abstract:
Dieser Talk berichtet von den Erfahrungen der letzten 7 Jahre bei der Digitalen Transformation der DATEV aus der Sicht des Software-Engineering. Während es einfach scheint, den Buzzwords der Zeit nachzulaufen und sich dadurch inmitten der sogenannten “Digitalen Transformationen” zu fühlen, ist es meist doch viel diffiziler, eine Firma nachhaltig und zum Besseren zu entwickeln. Dieser Vortrag geht auf nicht ganz so offensichtliche Aspekte und deren Wechselwirkungen ein.
Während bekanntlich alle Teile eines Unternehmens ihren Beitrag leisten müssen, um die gewünschten Ziele zu erreichen, befasst sich der Talk speziell mit einem Blick aus Sicht des Software-Engineering. Das Lernen der Organisation und die Ausrichtung auf maximalen Kundenwert bei allgemeiner “Business Agility” sind das Ziel. Dabei müssen sämtliche Dimensionen zusammenspielen, sowohl das Business, die Architektur, die Prozesse als auch die Organisation. Es ist entscheidend, sich der Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Dimensionen bewusst zu sein, ja sie auch bewusst zu beeinflussen. Während zu Beginn mancher Software-Engineer alles als Interpolation der teamlokalen agilen Arbeitsweise verstand, ist heute jedem klar, dass dies weit gefehlt war.
Michael Kircher verantwortet als Leitender Angestellter bei der DATEV eG die Themen Technologiestrategie, Software-Architektur, als auch die Software-Entwicklungsprozesse und -methoden. Von 2007 bis 2014 verantwortete er die technische Leitung der syngo Plattform der Siemens Healthcare. Seit über 30 Jahren ist er dem Software-Engineering verbunden: praktizierend, fordernd und fördernd.
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei vorbei:
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The problem at hand is partly the application of software engineering best practices to AI, but more so the evolution of software engineering to attend to software-intensive systems that contain AI components. In this lecture, I'll examine both dimensions: emerging AI architectures, neuro-symbolic systems, designing/testing/deploying/refactoring/maintaining systems with AI components; the future of software engineering.
Target Audience: Software engineers
Prerequisites: Curiosity and a desire to think different
Level: Advanced
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Industrial products, factories, trains and energy systems are starting to connect with business transactions, financial services and analytics. However, in the context of IoT, M2M, Industry 4.0, and global supply chains, there is a growing need to have such integration of operational and business systems across company and trust boundaries. This presentation explains how distributed ledger technologies like blockchain play a key role as underlying trust technology in enabling such cross-company integration.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Project Leads, Managers
Prerequisites: Basic understanding in Blockchain or other Distributed Ledger Technologies
Level: Advanced
Spaghetti business is difficult enough to swallow without serving a plate of spaghetti architecture and another of spaghetti code. Consider some really hard problems with data and learn how to tackle them with a minimum of technical complexity. Vaughn demonstrates complex business scenarios with solutions using Reactive, DDD, events, and streaming, in a microservices-based distributed system, but with the edges whittled smooth. Join Vaughn as complexity is blown away like wood shavings in a fall wind.
Target Audience: Software Architects, Senior SW Developers, Business Stakeholders with Deeply Complex Problem Spaces
Prerequisites: Experience in software architecture and Interest in finding easy solutions to complex challenges
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Distributed Computing: check
Microservices: check
FaaS: check
Reactive: check
Event Sourcing: check
CQRS: check
Streaming data: check
Fast data: check
Solution Delivered: not so much
Our industry is strangely fascinated with the new and mysterious, often more so it seems than with delivering business value. Users don’t care about distributed computing, microservices, FaaS, Reactive, CQRS, streaming, or even features. What users care about are outcomes, and checking the technology boxes doesn't deliver outcomes to users. Even simpleton CRUD applications have become overly complicated white elephants bestowed on unsuspecting businesses.
So what happens when the business problem space is complex? Spaghetti business is difficult enough without adding an overdose of architecture and code complexity. It's time for change. Consider some really hard problems with data that we present in government, medical, and financial domains, and learn how to tackle them with a minimum of technical complexity. Events become events become events... Vaughn demonstrates complex business scenarios with solutions using Reactive, DDD, events, event sourcing, CQRS, and streaming, in a microservices-based distributed system, but with the edges whittled smooth. Join Vaughn as complexity is blown away like wood shavings in a fall wind.
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When we look at where we are now with software development and applications, we can see the roots of today's world in the past. Ideas in current practice are not new, they are just more popular — machine learning, (micro)services, DevOps, Agility, etc. And some things have always been promised as revolutionary but have never taken centre stage, such as the story of CASE tools, MDA, AOP and generative programming. We trace back through time to examine these trends so that we can go forward. What are we seeing now that will be our future?
Target Audience: Anyone interested in developing and delivering software
Prerequisites: Experiences in software architecture and development
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Science fiction author William Gibson said that "The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed." When we look at where we are now with software development and applications, we can see the roots of today's world in the past. Ideas in current practice are not new, they are just more popular — machine learning, (micro)services, DevOps, functional programming, Agile development, etc. And some things have always been promised as revolutionary but have never taken centre stage, such as the story of CASE tools, MDA, AOP and generative programming. We trace back through time to examine these trends so that we can go forward. What are we seeing now that will be our future?
Kevlin Henney is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in programming, practice and people. He is co-author of two volumes in the ”Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture” series, and editor and contributor for multiple books in the ”97 Things” series. He lives in Bristol and online.
Frank Buschmann is a Senior Principal Engineer at Siemens Technology in Munich. His interests are in modern software architecture and development approaches for industrial digitization.
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