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SIGS DATACOM Fachinformationen für IT-Professionals

The Conference for Software Architecture
Munich, 21 - 25 January 2019


Talk: Mi 7.1
Date: Wed, 23.01.2019
Time: 09:00 - 10:30

Gratitude in business - more than just appreciation

Time: 09:00 - 09:45
Talk: Mi 7.1 1)


Someone appreciates your work and you think: "But it's my job. This is what I get paid for."
Does that sound familiar to you?
Or are you just unable to recall when you recently heard a "thank you"?
Exactly: heard or even better felt it with all your senses - because we humans are more than just brains!
Science shows that perceiving positive emotions improves mental health and raises resiliency; two topics we still don't consider well enough in business although they're gaining importance in our volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous world.

Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Project Managers, Managers, Decision Makers, ...
Voraussetzungen: Openness and Curiosity
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Introductory




The Power of Purpose and Storytelling

Time: 09:45 - 10:30
Talk: Mi 7.1 2)


Purpose is the reason you come out of your bed every morning, why you do the things you do. It is a stable and far-reaching goal, something that is really meaningful to you. The same goes for organisations. Having a clear and shared purpose is essential for success. When all co-workers know the purpose of their company and feel connected to it, they are more inspired and engaged. They are happier and make other co-workers and customers happier. So what is a strong purpose and what can you, as a company, do to find and live your purpose?

Target Audience:
Managers, Business Leaders and everyone who/that wants to know more about a strong purpose
Prerequisites: Understanding of English
Level: Practicing

Extended Abstract:
This talk will start with a short story on purpose (a personal story or a best practice). After that we will explain what purpose is (a definition + explanation) and why it is important. We will tell how work developed over time and what it means that we now have reached the Age of Purpose. Besides that we will share a couple of results of recent research, so attendees get a picture of what a clear and strong purpose can add to the business (business case). We also share a few good examples of companies with a strong purpose (Tony’s Chocolonely and Greystone bakery- including short videos). Optional: we can refer to Simon Sinek’s golden circle (+ explain if necessary) and let people do a short exercise on that. Then we will explain the four reasons of why every organisation should take the effort to formulate a real, authentic and strong purpose. And finally we will explain the steps of how to find and live your organisational purpose. Depending on time, setting and expectations we can add a few small exercises, statements and questions to get more interaction with the audience.