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SIGS DATACOM Fachinformationen für IT-Professionals

The Conference for Software Architecture
Munich, 21 - 25 January 2019


Talk: Do 6.3
Date: Thu, 24.01.2019
Time: 14:30 - 15:30

Blockchain as an important layer for supply chains

Time: 14:30 - 15:30
Talk: Do 6.3


We will cover few use-cases for blockchain within the context of supply chains. Besides theoretical concepts we will discuss also one proof-of-concept and one working use-case (both agriculture related - provenance tracking and automatized payments). We will also touch a convergence of latest technologies, technological and stakeholder perspective. Talk will include also token valuation fundamentals, so decision makers understand, what can drive the (intrinsic) value of token. We will mention how straightforward accounting or auditing becomes.

Target Audience: Project Leaders, Managers, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Management, Decision Makers, Supply Chain Stakeholders
Level: Practicing

Extended Abstract
All topics listed in the abstract are supported either by my direct experience with the subject or by experience of my partners. I believe that supply chains have a huge room for improvement and blockchain can facilitate a positive change to a significant extent. In very essence, entire financial sector is a supply chain too. I can demonstrate a simple ETH dApp and by January cut the talk down to 3 latest and most solid use-cases (there are some as work-in-progress now).