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SIGS DATACOM Fachinformationen für IT-Professionals

The Conference for Software Architectures
Munich, 30 January - 03 February 2017

Digital Transformation

designed by Stefan Tilkov

For a long time, most businesses have viewed IT as a support function, a cost center, to be optimized for efficiency. With the drastic shift to more and more IT-centric businesses that augment and disrupt mature markets, IT is taking on a new role: New ways of doing business, new markets, new organizational models both within companies and across company boundaries, all of these developments provide new opportunities and challenges for an IT-centric world.

This track will focus on the new role of IT as a driver of business.

We focus on the following topics:

  • The impact of the digital transformation on the organization
  • Strategies for the digital transformation
  • Big Data, Business Analytics and new business models
  • Ecosystems in the organizational context
  • APIs as an instrument for consolidation
  • Two-Speed- and Multi-Speed-IT
  • Telepresencing and VR technologies