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Track: Full Day Tutorial
- Montag
29.01. - Freitag
In the times of microservices, it becomes clear how important Domain-Driven Design (DDD) still is. Only with strategic design (i.e. DDD on a large scale) and the division of the domain into bounded contexts can a sensible cut be found for the microservices.
In this workshop we will take a day to take a closer look at DDD. The workshop consists of alternating lecture, discussion and exercises.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Project Leaders, Managers, Decision Makers, Domain Experts
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
In the times of microservices, it becomes clear how important Domain-Driven Design (DDD) still is. Only with strategic design (i.e. DDD on a large scale) and the division of the domain into bounded contexts can a sensible cut be found for the microservices.
But also Tactical Design (i.e. DDD on a small scale) with the Ubiquitous Language and the “Building Blocks” Entities, Value Objects, Aggregates, Services and co. have lost nothing of their relevance.
In this workshop we will take a day to take a closer look at DDD. The workshop consists of alternating lecture, discussion and exercises.
The structure will be such that we first give an overview of DDD and then look at the individual topics in detail. In doing so, we will approach DDD from the outside in. Content structure:
- introduction and overview
- getting to know the domain
- splitting up the domain
- learning the domain language
- model the domain
- implement the domain model
Mehr Inhalte dieses Speakers? Schaut doch mal bei vorbei:
Henning Schwentner loves programming in high quality. He lives this passion as coder, coach, and consultant at WPS – Workplace Solutions. There he helps teams to structure their monoliths or to build new systems from the beginning with a sustainable architecture. Microservices or self-contained systems are often the result. Henning is author of “Domain Storytelling” (Addison-Wesley, 2022), and the as well as translator of “Domain-Driven Design kompakt” (dpunkt, 2017).
More content from this speaker? Have a look at
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**TL,DR**; In this course you will learn to map your business and technological landscape in such a way that a common language emerges to discuss strategic thinking and decision-making.
Max. number of participants: 13
Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Project Leaders, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Basic theoretical knowledge of DDD
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Organizations face more and more complexity these days as a result of a mesh of products, services, technology and the people that work to build, operate and maintain them.
Domain-Driven Design helps us with solving problems the right way. But what helps us solve the right problem? How can we continuously validate our progress with people in "non-tech" roles? And what should we do when the world around us changes, which it always ends up doing? Is the plan we had still valid?
- Imagine having a map that helps you understand the ecosystem your organization is embedded in. A map that makes sense from both a technical and business perspective. With patterns that provide guidance about effective actions regardless of the specific domain you are working in. Wardley Mapping is that: it is a ubiquitous language around strategy and execution that helps you solve the right problem.
The course
- In this course you will learn to map your business and technological landscape in such a way that a common language emerges to discuss strategic thinking and decision making. It allows for scenario building, it teaches about bias and assumptions, and it comes packaged with a long list of ideas that may help in your situation.
The map can hint us what practices from DDD are beneficial in our situation. And it can serve as a context map too, except this one has meaning to businesspeople as well.
Using visualizations, strategies can be challenged and implementation options debated and weighed. As such, mapping is about the act and not merely the artifact. That is why this training is hands-on from the very start.
What to expect
- This class will emphasize practice over theory. Mapping with imperfect knowledge today is better than mapping with perfect knowledge next year. The course will teach you the basics and provides hooks into the theoretical aspects behind exercises.
Who should attend
- Anyone that wants to challenge the status quo of decision making under uncertainty in technology and business. No prior knowledge is required and your open attitude to learn new things will be an asset during the workshop.
Marijn Huizendveld works as an independent software consultant for (corporate) startups and scale-ups within Europe. He studied business school (boring though useful) and moonlighted as a freelance software engineer (limited impact, lots of fun).
After getting stung by the start-up bug he founded a SaaS business in which he was involved for the next 6 years (lots of impact, limited private life). This experience provided him with a realistic perspective on business and firm roots in software architecture. He was at the frontier of event-sourced domain models in PHP and has been actively involved in the DDD community since its revival around 2012.
These days he helps his customers to apply the lessons he picked up along the way, in order to make software that propels organizations forward. To support his clients he develops tools (such as Chameleon) that augment the software delivery process which makes teams more effective. He also laughs at his own jokes, for reasons unknown cause they typically aren’t funny. Join the workshop to see if you agree.
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In this interactive training session, we will dive into the fascinating world of exploratory testing. Exploratory testing is a mindset and approach that empowers testers to uncover hidden defects, explore the boundaries of software systems, and provide valuable feedback to improve overall quality.
Through a combination of theory, practical examples, and hands-on exercises, participants will gain a solid understanding of exploratory testing principles and techniques, and learn how to apply them effectively in their testing efforts.
Max. number of participants: 12
Target Audience: Developers, Testers, Business Analysts, Scrum Masters, Project Manager
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Extended Abstract:
In this interactive and engaging 3-hour training session, we will dive into the fascinating world of exploratory testing. Exploratory testing is a mindset and approach that empowers testers to uncover hidden defects, explore the boundaries of software systems, and provide valuable feedback to improve overall quality.
Through a combination of theory, practical examples, and hands-on exercises (with a E-Commerce Platform), participants will gain a solid understanding of exploratory testing principles and techniques, and learn how to apply them effectively in their testing efforts.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced tester, this training will equip you with the skills and knowledge to become a more effective and efficient explorer of software.
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand the fundamentals of exploratory testing and its importance in software development.
- Learn various techniques and strategies for conducting exploratory testing.
- Develop the ability to identify high-risk areas and prioritize testing efforts during exploration.
- Acquire practical tips for documenting and communicating exploratory testing findings.
- Gain hands-on experience through interactive exercises to apply exploratory testing techniques.
- Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills to uncover hidden defects.
- Improve overall testing efficiency and effectiveness by incorporating exploratory testing into your testing process.
- Learn how to collaborate effectively with developers, product owners, and other stakeholders during exploratory testing.
- Gain insights into tools and technologies that can support and enhance exploratory testing activities.
- Leave with a comprehensive understanding of exploratory testing and the confidence to apply it in real-world scenarios.
Join us for this immersive training session, and unlock the potential of exploratory testing to uncover valuable insights and improve the quality of your software products.
Matthias Zax ist ein engagierter Agile Engineering Coach bei der Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI), wo er erfolgreiche digitale Transformationen durch agile Methoden vorantreibt. Mit einer tief verwurzelten Leidenschaft für Softwareentwicklung ist Matthias ein #developerByHeart, der seine Fähigkeiten im Bereich Softwaretest und Testautomatisierung im DevOps-Umfeld seit 2018 verfeinert hat.
Matthias ist eine treibende Kraft hinter der RBI Test Automation Community of Practice, sowie auch für kontinuierliches Lernen und Innovation.
Matthias Zax is an accomplished Agile Engineering Coach at Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI), where he drives successful digital transformations through agile methodologies. With a deep-rooted passion for software development, Matthias is a #developerByHeart who has honed his skills in software testing and test automation in the DevOps environment since 2018.
Matthias is a key driving force behind the RBI Test Automation Community of Practice, where he leads by example. He is a firm believer in the importance of continuous learning and innovation, which he actively promotes through his coaching and mentorship.
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