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Track: Signature Track: Finding the Right Balance
- Mittwoch
08.02. - Donnerstag
How much design is enough design? How much is overdesign? When does — or should — design happen? How big is 'design'?
Anyone who has ever looked at the methodology landscape or has juggled different roles in software development — programmer, architect, coach, therapist, code paramedic, politician — knows that there are many answers to these questions, and they often contradict one another.
In this talk, we will consider different scales and time frames of design in software, bringing some balance to competing perspectives and recommendations
Target Audience: Developers, Architects, Tech Leads, Project Leads
Prerequisites: Interest in software architecture and design
Level: Advanced
Kevlin Henney is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in programming, practice and people. He is co-author of two volumes in the ”Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture” series, and editor and contributor for multiple books in the ”97 Things” series. He lives in Bristol and online.
Frank Buschmann is a Senior Principal Engineer at Siemens Technology in Munich. His interests are in modern software architecture and development approaches for industrial digitization.
Unfortunately, this presentation has to be cancelled at short notice for personal reasons.
Traditional (i.e. hands-off, blessed-few) approaches to architecture rarely (if ever) work. But in the world of microservices, autonomous teams, and continuous delivery, architecture is more important than ever. Is there an alternative?
Target Audience: Architecture Practitioners (Architects, Lead Developers, etc.)
Prerequisites: Experience delivering software architecture
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
I’m an architect, and I think a lot about architecture. Mostly I think about how irrelevant architecture is if it doesn’t get shipped to production. I worry a lot too. I worry about how to help all the teams I’m supposed to be helping, without slowing them down, getting in their way, or making their lives harder rather than easier.
This paper introduces a mindset and an associated set of practices which do away with the traditional idea of “Architects” while bringing the practice of “Architecture” to the fore. I’ll explain how I and colleagues have used this approach at multiple clients to help everyone become an architect, without things reducing to chaos (though there is a healthy dose of anarchy).
A highly enthusiastic, self-starting and responsible Tech Principal; Andrew Harmel-Law specialises in Java / JVM technologies, agile delivery, build tools and automation, and domain-driven design.
Experienced across the software development lifecycle and in many sectors including government, banking, and eCommerce, what motivates him is the production of large-scale software solutions, fulfilling complex client requirements. He understands that people, tooling, architecture and process all have key roles to play in achieving this.
Andrew has a passion for open-source software and its communities. He has been interested in and involved with OSS to a greater or lesser extent since his career began, as a user, contributor, expert group member, or paid advocate.
Finally, Andrew enjoys sharing his experience as much as possible. This sharing is not only seen in his formal consulting engagements, but also informally through mentoring, blog posts, conferences (speaking and organising), and open sourcing his code.
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The cloud has fundamentally changed how we design applications and introduced whole new categories of software-development disasters. With a focus on Java, this talk will introduce some of the new tools, patterns, and best practices for modern distributed application development. It also gives a tour of some of the most painful anti-patterns Holly has seen as a cloud consultant.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Strategic Decision Makers
Prerequisites: Basic experience of cloud computing, Knowledge of Java
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
The cloud is just someone else's data center, but it has fundamentally changed how we design software and what we expect from our platforms. Our applications have gotten bigger, more distributed, and more complicated, and there are whole new categories of mistakes we can make. Some things that were a good idea ten years ago turn out to be a terrible idea in the cloud; and what used to be ‘good enough’ for testing really isn’t anymore. Managing microservices architecture demands a lot of us, to ensure observability, operational resiliency, and organisational agility. With a focus on Java, this talk will introduce some of the new tools, patterns, and best practices for modern distributed application development. It also gives a tour of some of the most painful anti-patterns Holly has seen as a cloud consultant.
Holly Cummins is a Senior Principal Software Engineer on the Red Hat Quarkus team. Before joining Red Hat, Holly was a long time IBMer, in a range of roles from cloud consultant, full-stack javascript developer, WebSphere Liberty build architect, JVM performance engineer, to innovation leader. Holly is also a Java Champion, author, and regular keynote speaker. You can follow her on twitter at @holly_cummins or at hollycummins.com.
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Green software engineering is an emerging discipline and being a part of the climate change solution is a relatively new part of many software companies' strategy. For some of us, building resource efficient solutions is something we have already done for a long time, but we called it performance work. Where do the two meet and when are they different? This talk introduces the field of green software engineering and explains where it intersects with performance optimizations, giving you the tools to take an active part in the climate solution.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of software and performance metrics like latency and resource utilization
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Software has a huge carbon footprint and impact our global commitment to keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C – as called for in the Paris Agreement. To reach this goal, emissions need to be reduced by 45 % by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. The rising interest in getting a better handle on the carbon emissions of software has garnered interest from the research and practitioner communities across industry, government, academia, and civil society.
The objective of this session is to break beyond surface-level discussions and dive deep into understanding the challenges and opportunities related to assessing and mitigating the carbon impacts of software systems, through the lens of high performing software.
Sara Bergman is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Development Center Norway working in a team which owns several backend APIs powering people experiences in the Microsoft eco-system. She is an advocate for green software practices at MDCN and M365. She is a member of the Green Software Foundation and the chair of the Writer's project which is curating and creating written articles on the main GSF website and the GSF newsletter.
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In 2022, is having a dedicated software architect still useful, or are there better ways to fulfil this role? The answer, as usual, is "it depends”.
Target Audience: Software Developers and Architects
Prerequisites: None
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
Traditional approaches to software architecture usually trigger thoughts of ivory tower dictators who are a long way removed from the process of building software, probably because they no longer write code anymore. This unfortunate stereotype of “architecture astronauts” delivering large design documents to the development team before running away to cause havoc elsewhere has unfortunately resulted in a backlash against having a dedicated architect on a software development team, particularly in environments where teams are striving to be autonomous and self-organising.
But, in 2022, is having a dedicated software architect still useful, or are there better ways to fulfil this role? The answer, as usual, is “it depends”.
Simon Brown is a renowned consultant specializing in software architecture, and the author of some of the most popular software architecture books, including „Software Architecture for Developers” (a developer-friendly guide to software architecture, technical leadership and the balance with agility). He is also the creator of the C4 model for visualizing software architecture, and the founder of Structurizr. Simon is a regular speaker at international software development conferences and travels the world to help organizations visualize and document their software architecture.
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Ursprünglich war agile Entwicklung und allen voran XP für Entwickler:innen gedacht. Inwiefern werden diese heutzutage noch von agilen Vorgehensweisen unterstützt? Diese Frage wird von Erik Dörnenburg mittels "25 Jahre XP: Die Balance zwischen neuen Technologien und bewährten Praktiken" und Ina Einemann durch "Take it Back" untersucht und in einem Panel mit Frank Buschmann diskutiert.
Zielpublikum: Architekt:innen, Entwickler:innen, Projektleiter:innen, Software-Ingenieur:innen
Voraussetzungen: Keine
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Fortgeschritten
Extended Abstract:
Als Kent Beck vor fast 25 Jahren Extreme Programming (XP) beschrieb sah die IT-Industrie noch recht anders aus. Seitdem sind agile Ansätze und die Nutzung von Open Source Software Mainstream geworden, und die Public Cloud Anbieter haben sich und ihre Ökosysteme etabliert. Diese Trends haben unsere Fähigkeiten komplexe Software-Systeme zu entwickeln verbessert. Das eigentliche Handwerk – effektiv in einem Team beständig Software zu schreiben – ist aber genauso wichtig wie immer. In diesem Talk geht es um die Rolle, die XP für die moderne Software-Entwicklung spielt.
Das agile Manifest wurde vor über 20 Jahren von Entwicklern für Entwickler geschrieben. Mittlerweile fühlt es sich aber immer mehr an, als ob die agile Bubble eine eigene Welt ist, die von Scrum Mastern und Agile Coaches übernommen wurde. Developer nehmen eher passiv an den vorgeschriebenen Meetings teil, statt den Prozess aktiv zu gestalten.
Was läuft da schief? Und wie können wir das ändern?
In dieser Session geht es um Motivation, sinnvolle Konflikte und Empowerment.
Erik Dörnenburg ist Software-Engineer und leidenschaftlicher Technologe. Auf seiner inzwischen langen Reise durch die Tech-Branche ist Erik einer Fülle neuer Technologien begegnet. Dabei ist es ihm wichtig deren Potenzial zu bewerten und gleichzeitig bewährte Praktiken für die neuen Technologien zu adaptieren. Als Head of Technology bei Thoughtworks hilft er Kunden, ihre geschäftlichen Herausforderungen mit modernen Technologien, Plattformen und Praktiken zu lösen. Erik ist regelmäßiger Redner auf Konferenzen, hat an einigen Büchern mitgewirkt und unterhält mehrere Open Source Projekte. Er hat einen Abschluss in Informatik der Universität Dortmund und hat Computer Science und Linguistik am University College Dublin studiert.
Ina Einemann ist als Agile Coach bei der Open Knowledge GmbH in Oldenburg tätig. Ihr Tätigkeitsumfeld umfasst neben ihrer Arbeit als Scrum Master auch Aufgaben aus dem Bereich PO und Requirements Engineering. Sie beschäftigt sich mit agilen Methoden und Vorgehensmodellen und berät Teams bei der Umsetzung agiler Praktiken. Sie ist außerdem einer der Hosts des Podcast "Mein Scrum ist kaputt".
Frank Buschmann is a Senior Principal Engineer at Siemens Technology in Munich. His interests are in modern software architecture and development approaches for industrial digitization.
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You know the story, one dev in the team found out about this amazing new framework which will solve potentially aaaall your problems; but the product owner stops him right away. There is definitely no time until the next roadmap milestone is reached and you’re already late. We have introduced the tool Tech Radar – in two different organisational setups – to make technology strategy explicit.
In this talk I’ll share our learnings on how we made sure our teams don’t drown in legacy, train them on time for new tech and foster exchange across teams.
Target Audience: Architects, Developers, Team Lead
Prerequisites: Everyone interested in technology strategy
Level: Basic
Marita Klein works as Senior Cloud Architect at Bosch Engineering. She has worked in different domains and roles during her professional career: Frontend and Backend developer, Architect as well as team lead of a group of software engineers. In all these stations she has experienced the importance of technical exchange between experts and how making problems explicit and talking about them is the first step of a solution.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its sub-domain, Machine Learning (ML), have been developing quickly. Your organization could be planning for or be in the middle of an AI transformation.
In this talk, I will speak from my own experience managing the strategy and delivery for AI/ML programs and discuss practical steps for the executive leadership to ensure the success of their AI strategy and delivery.
Target Audience: Project Leaders, IT Leaders, Executives, Decision Makers
Prerequisites: None
Level: Basic
Zorina Alliata is a Sr. Machine Learning Strategist at Amazon, working with global customers to find solutions that speed up operations and enhance processes using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Zorina helps companies across several industries identify strategies and tactical execution plans for their ML use cases, platforms, and ML at scale implementations.
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When you want to make a change, the skeptics are lying in wait throughout the process. You must continually recognize them if you want the change to be sustainable. Who are they and why are they resisting?
We want to be understanding but oh, they can be annoying. We are told to increase communication, but before shouting more information, we must understand why they are irritating us.
This presentation will provide some practical tips for identifying and dealing with resistance in your organization and perhaps in your personal life too.
Target Audience: Everyone who sees a need for change but also sees resistance
Prerequisites: None
Level: Advanced
Extended Abstract:
When you want to make a change, whether it be agile, AI, cloud, microservices, or anything (!), the resistors are lurking everywhere throughout the process. You must continually recognize them if you want to create a sustainable change. Who are they and why are they resisting? We want to be understanding but oh, they can be annoying. We are told to increase the communication, but first we must understand why they are irritating us before we are tempted to shout more information at them.
This fits into the conference theme of Finding the Right Balance because leaders must continually handle skepticism surrounding the change while, at the same time, moving the process forward at a rate that attempts to work for everyone. As the Signature Track describes, this presentation will, “illuminate the area of tension in which decisions can be made, but also to show practical tips and empirical values so that teams can make the appropriate decisions.”
In a fun and enlightening way, it will point out why resistors annoy us and offer some practical tips that attendees can use on Monday morning for identifying and dealing with this resistance in their organizations and perhaps in their personal lives too.
Mary Lynn Manns, PhD, is the co-author of two books with Linda Rising, "Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas" and "More Fearless Change: Strategies for Making Your Ideas Happen". She has led numerous presentations and workshops on the topic of change throughout the world at conferences and in organizations that include Microsoft, amazon.com, Apple, Procter & Gamble, and Avon.
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